A Change of Plans : Sharon Y. Edlin
Meet Liz, Southern-born, Southern raised, and Southern educated as she heads out West on an Occupational Therapy internship finding herself in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Having just suffered a terrible relationship and a miscarriage, Liz wants to avoid the center of attention as much as possible, but her spirited Southern nature will prevent that from happening as she finds herself in a love triangle.
The big twist comes when a piece of her history decides to come back to haunt her, nearly taking her life and the life of Ben, a man she is reluctantly falling for.
Liz can count on only one thing, her plans changing on her once again.
Liz’s adventures into the West are not only filled with generous amounts of humor and a great deal of laughter but have twists and turns that will greatly surprise the reader.
The Dragonfly Approach of Pediatric Occupational Therapy by Sharon Y. Mandeville-Edlin is also on Whizbuzz Books.
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