The Pizza Buying Guide for Adults – In Case You Forgot : Briana Johnson
The Pizza Buying Guide for Adults – In Case You Forgot
My book serves as the ultimate and funny guide for buying your next pizza. It digs into the early days of childhood deliveries to adulthood deliveries, going into depth about how not so fun pizza delivering can be. Well, I make it simple.
The book is short, comical and sure to have you on your seat in laughter. Isn’t that what we all need today, laughter? And pizza is the ultimate meal. It is the melt in your mouth sensation that everybody loves. You loved it as a child, and you know that you still love it now.
But let’s face it: pizza adulthood is no fun because it involves money. This guide, only 24 pages, gives the everyday pizza lover reminders on the magic of buying pizza.
I also am going to use proceeds from the book to support delivery drivers who do not receive the delivery fee, and use this book as an encouragement for those who order pizza and at other places to tip the driver.
This is my first book, and it is dedicated to my grandmother Claudia Wiltbank, who has passed away. Please support it, and tell your friends about it. Thank you for buying. Now, are you ready to place your order?