Your Next Big Idea: Improve Your Creativity and Problem-Solving : Samuel Sanders


Your Next Big Idea: Improve Your Creativity and Problem-Solving : Samuel Sanders

Your Next Big Idea : Samuel SandersThere is a preconceived notion that this paragraph should provide a basic synopsis of the book. Well, it’s time to erase that stigma, because this book is not most books. If you’re surprised that the summary is not on the back cover, then congratulations! You have successfully encountered a problem in everyday life. Problem identification is a skill you can learn and master. Honing this skill is the first step on the journey towards coming up with innovative ideas. Idea creation is not just about solving problems though, it’s about asking why we do what we do and challenging social and business norms. Ultimately, this book will help you create a process to test and validate solutions that will unleash game-changing ideas.

No matter what your current level of creativity, innovation, ideation, or problem-solving skills, this book will show you how entrepreneurs, business professionals and everyday people come up with the next big life-changing idea. With the skills developed through this book, you can too!

Try this creativity exercise on for size:
There is a book, and it could be used for reading or… something else. See if you can think of 10 alternative ways to use a book. For example, it could be used as a stand for your lamp or even as a tunnel for your hamster.

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