Yoga, I Become : R. Espirito


Yoga, I Become : R. Espirito

Yoga, I Become : R. EspiritoA Simple Guide to Yoga for Everyone. To Become Healthy in Mind, Body, and Soul, and Also a Yoga Devotee

Are you aiming to bring about a change in your lifestyle?

Do you want to practice Yoga but don’t know where to start?

Do you want a harmonious relationship between your mind and body?

If you want to achieve any of the above things in life, then you have chosen the right book.

This book acts as a Yoga guide and it is perfect for a beginner as well as those seeking to become a Yoga devotee.

The purpose of yoga is to help us get a better understanding of our own selves. It lays a strong foundation for our body and mind to reach a higher level of self-awareness and self-development. Moreover, yoga teaches us immense self-discipline, without which you cannot achieve success. Yoga is about gaining a certain amount of harmony between your mind, body and soul. Self-discipline is merely a by-product of practicing yoga regularly.

This yoga guide is meant for anyone who is curious to learn everything about yoga. The language used in this book is simple and the instructions are easy to follow. Through this book, you will learn:

  • How yoga allows you to lead a harmonious life
  • Different types of yoga asanas (yogic postures) as well as Pranayama (breath control), also known as Hath- yoga
  • Different meditation techniques that can help you attain the peace you are looking for
  • How yoga can leave a powerful impact on your life through the wide variety of benefits it offers

And much more… I can almost guarantee that this book will be worth every penny you spend. You can consider this guide as a handbook of sorts for everyday life; something to be read, and re-read.

So what are you waiting for? click on the buy now button now and grab your copy today.

Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by R. Espirito is also on Whizbuzz Books.

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