Heaven Falls : Winslow Eliot


Heaven Falls : Winslow Eliot

Heaven Falls : Winslow Eliot

The tallest falls east of Niagara, hidden in the wilderness of soaring mountains, impossible to get to except by foot, Heaven Falls plunges down a massive rock face, strikes a thick stone ledge and sprays out in powerful rainbow arcs into the seemingly bottomless lake far below.

The health resort named after it is the most elite in the world. Billionaires, politicians, and celebrities flock to recuperate and pamper themselves at the beautiful facilities.

But they also flock for another reason.

“You CAN buy love,” states the glossy Heaven Falls brochure. “Don’t let anyone say that you can’t.”

Heaven Falls offers something no other resort does: the thrill of a romantic interlude. Romance with a complete stranger – romance that feeds the hungry heart and nurtures the soul. The ecstasy of falling in love comes with no strings attached, no headache, no misunderstandings… Just a hefty price tag.

Sounds pretty good?

Single mother, unemployed Tess thinks so. Especially when the owners of the resort invite her and her ten-year-old daughter to move there. Not only that, but, once there, she is guaranteed a job, a home, and a lifetime of financial security.

And before long, she herself is falling in love.

But the heaven Tess thought she had found begins to crumble around her. And she has no one to turn to for help except for the man who betrayed her.

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