White Magic : Peggy Wragg


White Magic : Peggy Wragg

White Magic : Peggy WraggWhite Magic

Lies and betrayals far more devastating then anyone could have imagined. This sets the scene for the theme of the book.

The plot starts some years ago with two guys at university competing for everything that goes until their relationship went sour.

The lead characters enjoy the good things in life but jealously sets in and so the plot to steal betray and kill begins to develop, sometimes in a very turbulent distressing way.

The plot begins on the wet cold streets of London and spreads out across the Mediterranean basin. The fragrant sun filled aroma’s of of each location are described in detail ensuring the reader feels as if they were actually there. Erotic entanglements are a feature leading to strong bonds being created.

The final scene of submission and revenge is total, with revelations most unexpected.

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