What Has Been Will Be Again : Russell Nickel


What Has Been Will Be Again : Russell Nickel

What Has Been Will Be Again : Russell NickelThe strongest warning Jesus gives to the church deals with the issue of deception. It should be no surprise Satan’s primary goal includes planting seeds of doubt in the minds of people regarding the truth of God’s word. When a person rejects the spiritual truths recorded in the Bible, the end result always leads to deception having eternal consequences.

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon warns all people willing to listen, civilizations have historically struggled with the same types of sins, and people tend to repeat mistakes in life over and over again. Solomon brings up the truth both history and prophecy repeat themselves. Any nation forgetting the mistakes of their past, is doomed to repeat them and fall from within. A key spiritual truth Solomon stresses most fail to recognize, is the cataclysmic events recorded in the Old Testament such as the Flood, the Exodus, and the destruction of Sodom, were literal events meant as prophetic pictures of cataclysms repeating themselves again.

According to Solomon, these events recorded in the Old Testament should not be taken as mere allegorical stories. These stories should be viewed as literal historical events, intended as prophetic warnings of future worldwide catastrophes coming upon the earth. A detailed description of these events is laid out as a warning for all people in Revelation. Jesus warns many people have eyes that cannot see, and ears that are unable to hear. We truly serve a God who loves mankind so much, He goes to great lengths warning all people of the eternal consequences of rejecting the love and grace God freely offers. Most people even in the church, will be shocked when they finally understand the information the Bible is really trying to tell them.

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9

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