The Crimson Key : Wes Dodd

The Crimson Key

The Crimson Key : Wes Dodd

The Crimson Key : Wes DoddThe Crimson Key

David Paige, a young detective from Charleston, S.C., is about to embark on an investigation of a lifetime.

After an unexpected tragedy shatters his perfect world, he also discovers that his mother had been keeping a life-long secret from him, revealing that he is not who he believed he was.

With no family member to turn to, David has to rely on his detective skills and a mysterious item left to him from his mother…a crimson-colored key.

The search for the truth takes David to New York City, where he runs head on into lies, deception and murder, all in an attempt to cover up a string of dreadful crimes.

Then if this is not enough to deal with, he falls for the daughter of a prominent man, both sharing an unexplainable attraction, which complicates his life even further.

It isn’t until a near-death experience, and the help of his mother through several frightening nightmares, that the pieces of the puzzle begin to come together.

The Crimson Key ultimately unveils many secrets, surprising many people including David, which opens his eyes and heart as well.

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