The Zombie Truth : Vincent St. Vincent


The Zombie Truth : Vincent St. Vincent

The Zombie Truth : Vincent St. VincentThe Zombie Truth

The Ebook that reveals the Zombie Apocalypse has already begun. With a 100% refund guarantee if you can’t handle the “Truth”.

Nobody will deny that the United States and the rest of the world is currently experiencing a rapid surge in angst and violence. From random street shootings to entire nations bloodily rising up against their governments, something is surely changing in how humanity operates.

Vincent St. Vincent purports to know the actual truth – that the apocalypse has, in fact, already begun and relays this information through story in his novel the Zombie Truth.

Clip clop. Do you hear it now? Clip clop, clip clop. Nearer and nearer, as steady and inexorable as the tick of clock.

Before he hears it, Robert’s life is on track. Despite being an average sort of guy, he seems to have it all: a little apartment near Tampa Bay; a secure, longterm relationship with a charming, talented film major; the shining promise of a career in neuropsychiatry, a field he’s passionate about, once he finishes his doctoral thesis. Everything is going according to plan, and that’s exactly the way that pragmatic, stolid Robert likes things to go. Guarantee

But when the world starts going mad one grisly news headline at a time, Robert’s life begins to fall apart in a relentless series of events ranging from maddening to deadly. His girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend is edging in, putting his formerly rock-solid relationship on suddenly shaky ground. Violent riots are taking over the city. People he knows are beginning to drop like flies, falling victim to or joining the mass insanity. Others are attempting to flee Tampa by the thousands, but as the terror sweeps the nation, no place and no one is safe from the monsters. They are everywhere: on the bus, in the streets…in the mirror.

Meanwhile, Robert must bear the heavy burden of being the only one who really suspects the truth. In an eerie coincidence, his thesis research foretold and parallels the sudden plague of malevolence corrupting society, making him perhaps the world’s premier expert on the topic. Now, instead of merely researching the trend, he finds himself inside of it, fighting for his life and that of the woman he loves in a city that’s rapidly transforming into a hellish landscape out of his worst nightmare.

And Robert knows nightmares. Long ago, something dark and evil shadowed his childhood and ripped his idyllic, small-town family apart, changing the course of his life forever. The twisted secret was locked away long ago, so why is it suddenly haunting him again now, when derangement is spreading through humanity like an unstoppable pestilence?
Poor Robert. It turns out that skeletons can escape their closets. They can hate you. They can hunt you. They can eat you alive.

As his past and present crash together with shocking fury, the explosion imperils everything Robert holds dear. But clues lie in the resulting wreckage…potential keys to unlock the deeper truths that hide buried in every human being’s soul, truths regarding mankind’s chaotic spiral into rabid viciousness. Is he brave enough to unlock them?
Are you? Clip clop. You’re running out of time to decide. They’re coming.

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