The Luminous Qur’an : Waleed Bleyhesh al-Amri

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The Luminous Qur’an : Waleed Bleyhesh al-Amri

The Luminous Qur'an : Waleed Bleyhesh al-AmriA faithful rendition, annotated translation of the first three suras of the Message of God

No translator will ever embark on such a momentous project as translating the Qur’an, without realizing the magnitude of his undertaking, his position in the history of humanity viz-a-viz their most pressing need for Divine guidance, and where to make a well-calculated stand in the ceaseless flow of previous and concurrent translations of the Qur’an.

By translating the untranslatable Qur’an we are at once engaging in an impossible mission that we fully realise is not going to be carried out to a satisfactory completion even before we set about it! But this needs not to hold us back from engaging in a quest to explore the limits of the “translatability” of the Qur’an and the possibility of compensating for the degrees of loss, great as they are.

What one can hope for is to get across the purport of the Qur’anic message so that people can pay heed to it. This is a legitimate attempt indeed. The current translation:

  • Represents a safe, mainstream yet non-restrictive understanding of the Message of the Grand Qur’an.
  • Relies on the most authentic time-honoured sources of tafsÊr and Hadith.
  • The introduction to the translation provides a broad coverage of essential topics for those seeking to read the Qur’an in Arabic and in translation.
  • This translation is marked by its “faithfulness”. It is neither too literal nor too free.
  • Each sura is preceded by a brief introduction, which is indispensable for anyone who wants to unlock some of the meaning potential of the sura.
  • Every care was taken to make each aya rendition read as a composite whole, i.e. understood independently of its notes.
  • Uses extensive annotations to provide a holistic reading experience.•Highlights and underlines the connectivity and thematic unity of the suras and ayas.

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