The Day of Weird : Freya Pickard


The Day of Weird : Freya Pickard

The Day of Weird : Freya PickardThis is the world of Nirunen …

Expect the unexpected …

Nothing is as it seems …

When Otta and Erl are banished from their village for angering the gods, they embark on a peculiar quest.

Commanded by a wandering god, Otta is obliged to follow the strange, elusive “unicorn’s trail.” Her twin brother, Erl, has lost his memory and is struggling to discover who he is. As they travel further from the shelter of the Homestead, the siblings discover unpleasant traits in their personalities. They must learn to adapt and change before they are driven apart.

Their quest takes them through forests and mountains, into the city of Aura Vere and out onto the southern plains. They meet traders and nobles and they travel with the oppressed Suryan. The foreign ambassadors, the Kaerlings, threaten their existence and Otta cannot understand why she is both attracted to them and repelled by them. The tensions between the twins grow, as the mystery of their journey deepens.

Lyrical, teasing, dark and mysterious, this narrative will keep you enchanted for hours.

“I was so happy to find a book that truly captivated my imagination from beginning to end.” K Johnstone

“Here is a story that will linger in your thoughts long after the reading is done. ” Claire

“I am immersed into this world. I can clearly see a large range of diverse cultures. This is a fantastic read.” X Mankum

This book contains volumes one to three of “The Kaerling” which is also available in three separate e-books – Silver Fire, Ambassador and An Ancient Song.

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