The Annals of an Angel Persona 1 : James Taylor

The Annals of an Angel Persona 1

The Annals of an Angel Persona 1 : James Taylor

The Annals of an Angel Persona 1A fantasy adventure about a young man looking for love and excitement and finds both in ample quantity whether he wants to or not. Drake is a recent college grad trying to find his way in life and feeling down on himself for never having found a guy to date. His luck changes when an actor he fantasizes about comes to town for a TV show tour. The actor, Jason, meets Drake and the two hit it off immediately.

While enjoying his new love life, he meets a familiar man on the streets of LA. This man tells Drake that he was once an angel and Heaven would like to have him back. Drake eventually meets the creator of all things and God tells Drake that he indeed was once part of the heavenly host, but there is a catch. The universe is dying much sooner than expected and only he can save it.

All Drake really wanted to do was find a boyfriend, find true love and maybe travel the world, not have to save all of existence, but beggars can’t be choosers.

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