Awaken : Humphrey Quinn


Awaken : Humphrey Quinn

Awaken : Humphrey QuinnWhile summering in a New England campground, mind reading thirteen-year-old twins, Meghan and Colin Jacoby, discover they have until the rising of the Blue Moon to save the life of a young man whose caravan is forced to flee through a magical portal to another world, without him.

In the process, they have a dark awakening when their own simple world, begins to collide with the complexities of the magical world. The twins face unimaginable dangers, which thrust them into an unexpected choice: to live as they always have or to learn the truth about their past and enter a world that is equally thrilling and terrifying.

More importantly, however, is whether they even have a choice, or will destiny not only force this new magical reality upon them, but require them to sacrifice everyone they love in doing so?

Shifting by Humphrey Quinn is also on Whizbuzz Books.


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