The Stone Shield : Jonas I. Marquez
Sage is a young elf whose visions about a human girl lead her on a quest where she makes huge discoveries about herself. She soon learns that her place in the world is much more complicated than she ever realized. The journey pairs her with her neurodiverse adopted brother, her intense foster mother, and her best friend, a lone wolf.
Along the journey, she meets new people, finds love, and learns she has special powers she got from her father, her real father, not the person she believed to be her father. All while trying to avoid genocide at the hands of the Red Hand, a religious cult bent on eliminating all non-human races from the world. Can she find a place in the world where all races are accepted before it’s too late?
The Stone Shield touches on many ideas important to our times that are embedded in this fantasy story. For instance, this is not a book about mental health, but mental health plays a huge role in its characters. Just like in life, the topics it touches upon are a part of all of our daily lives. This is a book about a bunch of outcasts who come together, to find belonging, trust, love, and a fierce sense that “We protect those we love!”