To Be Called “Girlfriend” Is A Privilege : Patricia Stuart
To Be Called “Girlfriend” Is A Privilege
Friendships among women can be one of the most beautiful and satisfying experiences. Being cut from the same cloth, emotionally speaking, provides understanding and a level of companionship that cannot be found in the same way with male relationships.
Sometimes, in the process of developing friendships, conflict may arise. Working through differences can be difficult depending on the level of maturity of the individuals involved. Oftentimes, one’s background, culture, personality and previous experiences are overlooked when trying to develop these relationships. These four areas can greatly impact a friendship for the good or for the bad.
In To Be Called “Girlfriend” Is A Privilege, readers will find practical solutions and advice that can be helpful to their girlfriend friendships. This book gives a down to earth approach to the age old ugliness that can occur between females who harbor jealousy, envy, cattiness, pride, tendency for gossip and fr-enemies.
The goal of this book is to encourage women to look within themselves to find the core of any conflict that they may be experiencing as well as looking at whether or not the other person is the right ‘Fit’ for them.
The differences that each female brings to a friendship can enhance and bless that relationship in ways that they may not realize. There is so much that each can learn from the other that can help each women build a strong bond that can last their life time.
This book takes a blunt approach to the subject matter of ‘Girlfriend’ friendships. It is straight to the point and the reader will be able to relate to all that’s being said.
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