My Extraordinary Life : Monica Sucha Vickers

My Extraordinary Life

My Extraordinary Life : Monica Sucha Vickers

My Extraordinary Life : Monica Sucha VickersMy Extraordinary Life

My Extraordinary Life is a true-life story of a congenital triple amputee who tells of her trials and triumphs in a matter-of-fact way without melodrama. Monica overcomes incredible odds that will remind readers that nothing is impossible. At times, it feels like she has no disability.

It is an epic story of an ordinary, yet truly extraordinary, life that will enhance one’s perception of a disability.  It is a book for young and old alike, and difficult, if not impossible, to put down.

The book is well-organized with evocative pictures throughout.  Monica anticipates reader’s questions, offers insight on handling untimely questions and stares from children, and gives views on dealing with discrimination and other emotional challenges.

Once readers finish this book, their lives will be richer, and they may never look at a “handicapped” person the same way again.  Winner of multiple awards, this book is a definite must-read.

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