Marie’s Diary – The Introduction : G. R. Stone

Marie's Diary

Marie’s Diary – The Introduction : G. R. Stone

Marie's Diary - The Introduction : G. R. StoneMarie’s Diary – The Introduction

Marie Boxford is a forty-six-year-old, senior pharmaceutical representative, with her oldest in his final year of college and her youngest entering in the fall. She is facing the reality of her fading marriage and is working to come to terms with it. While she has a close group of friends to confide in, she is reluctant to divulge everything to any one of them, so she takes to putting down her thoughts in an online diary.

She works through her feelings at her half of the failure in her marriage, all the while coming more and more out her shell. She acknowledges her lack of emotional and physical response to sex, in her marriage and with her husband. She realizes, as her husband did, that what she wants and desires will likely need to come from someone else.

Ben Livingston is an everyday man; he is a single, white collar, professional who is just beginning a new relationship with a woman he works with, after exiting a recent, tumultuous, relationship. While navigating the Internet, he stumbles across the file share where Marie is storing her diary online.

As Marie begins the new chapters of her life, she is unaware that Ben has taken on the role of voyeur, taking vicarious pleasure by reading her entries.

This series is intended for mature audiences eighteen years and older.

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