Zoombies from Planet X : Karl Larew

Zoombies from Planet X

Zoombies from Planet X : Karl Larew

Zoombies from Planet X : Karl LarewZoombies from Planet X

The Good Vampires are at it again, saving the world from the Forces of Evil. This time, a Bad Vampire named Son of Elmer has been animating mummies…and, worse, creating zombies–called “zoombies” in this book because they are highly mobile!

Where do they come from? Planet X?  Can the Good Team, Lance, Carol, Nigel, and Becky, stem the tide of Evil?  Can they trust those claiming to be their allies?

And what happens when the Good Team must fight while half of them are pregnant?

This is the third volume in the Good Vampires series, spoofs of vampire/James Bond stories.

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