The 4Cs of a Meaningful and Lasting Romance : Jason Melby

The 4Cs of a Meaningful and Lasting Romance

The 4Cs of a Meaningful and Lasting Romance : Jason Melby

The 4Cs of a Meaningful and Lasting Romance : Jason MelbyThe 4Cs of a Meaningful and Lasting Romance

The 4Cs of a Meaningful and Lasting Romance offers a candid perspective on the correlation between thriving romantic relationships and the pillars of chemistry, communication, compromise, and commitment.

Bolstered by the edifying content of expert authors, The 4Cs of a Meaningful and Lasting Romance resonates with personal anecdotes and satirical flare to examine a variety of heterosexual relationship issues from both gender perspectives without regard to race, ethnicity, or cultural differences. Single, married, or divorced, The 4Cs of a Meaningful and Lasting Romance helps you identify your innermost needs and desires, discover a renewed sense of self, and open your heart to endless possibilities.





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