Golden Keys to Open Doors : Harry Meier

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Golden Keys to Open Doors : Harry Meier

Golden Keys To Open Doors : Harry MeierGolden Keys to Open Doors: About Spiritual Cotton Candy

The Japanese have an old saying: “If you see Buddha on the road, kill him.” It’s a reminder we all take our own path to enlightenment—a lesson the modern spirituality marketplace has conveniently forgotten.

Modern spirituality is big business, with gurus, shamans, spiritualists, and others plugging feel-good phrases and recycled, simplistic ideas. The marketplace holds out the promise of a trouble-free life, paradigm-changing insights, and simplified secrets of enlightenment—all for a modest fee, of course.

Harry Meier has traveled through the morass of modern spirituality for forty years—and killed his share of Buddhas along the way. Meier argues the industry sells spiritual junk food that is designed to make you feel good but ultimately lacks any real nourishment.

To truly advance, Meier believes we must abandon the pleasant but unhelpful comfort zone of mass-market spirituality and forge our own paths.

The enlightenment industry sells pretty golden keys to doors that are already standing wide open. It’s time to throw away the keys and start your own journey. And should you meet Buddha on the road, well…

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