Light : Eric Rendel

Light : Eric Rendel

Light : Eric RendelLight

And God Said Let There Be LIGHT – And There Was LIGHT. But what was the LIGHT and what came before the LIGHT? Jake Tranton journeys through the seven Earths of Jewish mythology searching for the answers to this riddle and he discovers that before the creation of Heaven and Earth something else was created – something else that was dark and evil and had no business to exist but exist it did and its existence is the antithesis of everything else in creation. It is an evil so dark that it can mould your mind to its thoughts and make you see and do what it wants however horrific. It is an evil so dark that not even a demon can withstand it. Can Jake stand up to the horror that is unleashed and take on this force of total evil to fulfil his Destiny? Only by harnessing God’s true Light can he hope to prevail but that Light is a force that no man may see and live.

Eric Rendel’s novel is the first fantasy that employs authentic Jewish mythology sourced from the Midrash and Kabbalah and with characters from the modern Jewish world and will provide the reader with an insight into the world of orthodox Judaism.


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