From Backpacker to Traveller : Drew Prineas

From Backpacker to Traveller

From Backpacker to Traveller : Drew Prineas

From Backpacker to Traveller : Drew PrineasFrom Backpacker to Traveller

Drew was preparing to become a marketing genius when he left Australian shores to work in the UK, only for travel to get in the way. With his first footsteps on the plane, his two-year overseas trip changed to a travelling lifelong obsession.

A decade on and over 120 countries later FROM BACKPACKER TO TRAVELLER discovers key moments that triggered a life on the road.

Arriving in Turkey just after the Iraq war began, Drew's story covers his travel experiences that opened his eyes – Leading to moments of self-discovery not only whilst on the road but upon his unexpected returns home. With his innocence gone. Drew looks back at these poignant moments as he smoothly ebbs and flows through his first five years as a young man travelling Europe, India and South America.

Drew uses his wicked sense of humour to overcome his fears and preconceptions to discover the greatest gifts travel can offer. There was no time for self-pity, only time to live and make the most of his time on earth. No matter what the world threw at him a strong resolve was obtained, refusing to let fears and misfortunes dictate his travels.

Instead, FROM BACKPACKER TO TRAVELLER moves beyond highlighting the awkwardness of – being stuck in a dorm room with two New Zealanders and a lady of the night, sleeping at bus shelters under the midnight sun in Norway or getting robbed numerous times in South America – by putting things into perspective and seeing the brighter side to life in the most obscure of moments.

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