Dating Daisy : Daisy Mae

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Dating Daisy : Daisy Mae

Dating Daisy : Daisy MaeDating Daisy

What happens when you are recently divorced – and aged 52?

Why – you try a little online dating of course!

This book has been described as a cross between ‘Sex in the City’, and ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary!’ Most people reading it have said that they laughed out loud!

Daisy Mae has left her horrible marriage to ex-husband Voldemort. She bravely takes the plunge, chooses a dating site, writes her profile and uploads the photograph! Daisy has not had to think about dating for nearly three decades. The whole dating scene is intimidating. Read how she rises to the challenge with hilarious results!

Daisy continues to work at her job in the sexual health clinic, and writes frank and vivid tales of her medical encounters. She muses too, on her past medical training, and tell stories about contraception and sexual health you have probably never read anywhere else!

Daisy has the support of wayward daughter Imogen, her outrageous friend Pinky, her octagenarian friend Jeannie in the Nursing Home, and her friends ‘the Amigos!’

Don’t miss Dating Daisys’ Kissing Tips, and Anti-snoring Tips!

The book is full of icons, emails, limericks, poems, jokes and even a Recipe for Love!

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