Silent Screams : D. Cross

Silent Screams

Silent Screams : D. Cross

Silent Screams : D. CrossSilent Screams

Silent Screams is a stunning memoir that recounts one woman’s painful struggle following a severe psychological crisis leading to a suicide attempt. When the author’s relationship with her psychiatrist is revealed, and years of psychotherapy provide no answers, she embarks on a journey of self-awareness and insight, recounting the events that she feels led up to this critical point in her life.

Emotional trauma and illness played a crucial part in her life since childhood and more than once, she feels, her life was changed by fate. As a young adult, she enters academia in a quest for psychological insight, and to gain what her psychiatrist called, “an intellectual understanding” of her experience. After a time of social outreach, many more experiences and tests then unfold and relationships provide further insight.

Later on, when she feels life‘s major tests are in the past, she is presented with what will become the most painful test of all in the form of a debilitating, incurable disease that will dictate how her physical life must now be lived.

Silent Screams is a frank, uncompromising look at a woman’s personal journey through trauma and illness framed through the psychosocial events that surrounded that journey.

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