Macallister Bon Mclean: Great-Grandson of a Wizard : James Chris Wilkinson
Macallister Bon Mclean is a dreamer and a visionary. He is a widower and the great-grandson of a warlock. He meets a woman in a vision while in a coma….
Sweetness is That: Divine Experiences with Sathya Sai Baba : Maryam Smith
Sweetness Is That: Divine Experiences with Sathya Sai Baba details the author’s awe-inspiring experiences with a man considered by many to be the Avatar of the age. She recounts the…
Jesus Told Me To Do What? Looking Beyond The Golden Rule : Peter Bakich
Does Jesus really talk to us? Did you miss it? Were you listening? He’s telling you ideas you’ve probably considered only briefly. But they’re life-changing, and you should know them…
Explicit Erotic Sex Short Stories : Brenda Blanchard
FREE Ebook! Bestselling Erotica Author Brenda Blanchard Is Giving Away a Collection of Some of Her Best Work! Inside you’ll find the link to the Secret Desires Collection + audiobooks…
Telescope Jim (Illustrated Edition) : J. S. Lome
The Buccaneer Left a Hatchet in My Guitar . . . When secret buccaneer, Longfellow Jim, includes a misfit teen in his conning scheme, sixteen-year-old “Miles” is unintentionally involved in…
Children’s Day: Mandarin Chinese for Children : Meng Tian Liu
A children’s storybook introducing basic Chinese Mandarin words and phrases along with an insight into aspects of Chinese culture and everyday life. Told through the eyes of the main character;…
What is my Fate? : Samkelo Bodwana
This book teaches about human society and the way people live. Aminta was raised by poor parents, but Amanda and Lisa grew up in a warm home. There was something…
The Fenian : Mike Kernan
HOT pants to Mohican haircuts, glam rock to punk, Monty Python to Kojak, the three-day week to Thatcher… A Scottish new town in the 1970s is the playground for teenage…
A Republic’s Rise : Clinton Aldrich
In the months prior to World War II, Nazi Germany dispatched agents throughout Europe to identify works of art to be confiscated. Derek Schorr, an art graduate student at the…
A Year in Haiku : Tiffany Richardson
A Year in Haiku is a collection of 365 haikus dedicated to love, to heartbreak, to life….and everything in between. The collection features haikus in their traditional form of 5-7-5…