The Profound Truth of Divine Existence : Paul Hume Brewster
The Profound Truth of Divine Existence – A New Modern Teaching Take an amazing journey with Paul Hume Brewster as he explores the universe, our perception of it, the reason for…
The Inventor – A Tale of Old San Francisco : Steve Bartholomew
The Inventor – A Tale of Old San Francisco San Francisco, 1880: The city is already more than thirty years old, but she’s still having growing pains. There’s corruption at…
Tithing & How To Get There : Paul Stephenson
Tithing & How To Get There Have you ever noticed how it always seems to be the “season for giving”? Giving to the church for stewardship; giving gifts for Christmas;…
Welcome To Mineola : A. Louise Robertson
Welcome To Mineola Rachel stands at the stove about to throw some spaghetti into a pot of boiling water. The radio announcer just said that there had been a horrible…
Old Friends Are Hard To Kill : Gary Towner
Old Friends Are Hard To Kill When an American CIA agent is ordered to terminate a fellow agent who has gone rouge, he is conflicted to learn his mark is…
Vishwaroop : Rajendra Kumar
VISHWAROOP (The Face of the Universe) VISHWAROOP is a collection of 20 short stories about the face of man within the universe. The portrait of man, complex, diverse. Like a…
Yohannes Ishi : Nabse Bamato
Yohannes Ishi Born in Ethiopia, but adopted by a British couple, Yohannes grows up far from his cultural roots. Following the death of his adoptive mother, he is persuaded to…
How’d I Get Here? : Dan Beckmann
How’d I Get Here And Why Am I Stealing M&M’s From Air Force One A quirky journalist stumbles his way to the top with the famous and the infamous on…
Armageddon and the 4th Timeline : Don Mardak
Armageddon and the 4th Timeline “Armageddon and the 4th Timeline” is a riveting, multi-genre mystical fantasy that has three thought-provoking themes. The themes are: the war on terror (similar to…
Ageism Activism : Judy Hanna
AGEISM ACTIVISM: Deadly Secrets Revealed That Could Save Your Life AGEISM ACTIVISM exposes the sheer magnitude of homicides of millions of people age 60 and older that are undetected and…