Tortured Blues : Blair Redd

Tortured Blues

Tortured Blues : Blair Redd

Tortured Blues : Blair ReddTortured Blues

Nolan has had one goal in mind from the time he started walking the beat: to become lead detective. But his youth and his attitude are always getting in the way of his ambition. Under the watchful eye of his former police-chief grandpa and his longtime mentor and boss, Lou, Nolan is presented with the opportunity of a lifetime . . . or so he thinks.

Nolan is sent back to high school as an undercover cop to investigate illegal drug activity. It doesn’t take him long to learn that big-man-on-campus Juice and his weightlifting crew are using and selling steroids. They are the key to breaking the notorious drug ring that is plaguing St. George. But can he convince the exclusive and intimidating “roid ragers” that he is one of them? And can he stop the drug and crime spree plaguing his hometown?


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