A Mole in the Hand : Walter Frederick
Could there ever be a coup d’état in Britain??
It is 2014 and Britain is being torn apart by civil unrest as Trades Unions and protest groups join forces to fight aus- terity measures causing so much hardship. The Coalition Government is coming towards the end of its first term in office, and city centre riots have forced the Government to impose special powers with nightly curfews.
Richard Mastin, a public relations expert, receives an unexpected visit from a long-time American friend Spencer Boyd, now a senior CIA officer. Boyd issues Mastin with a challenge to fly to the US to meet with former KGB agent Mikhail Limonov. At first Mastin cannot make the journey, but his commitments change and he makes the journey to meet with Limonov.
Within days he realises there is a plot for a British coup, and his adventures begin. Very quickly Mastin finds him- self pitted against ex-KGB officers, who are preparing to unleash hundreds of moles, working undercover for decades. Mastin soon discovers MPs, senior civil servants, and police officers, who are part of the plot, all of whom were re- cruited during the Soviet Era.
It is not long before Mastin’s life and family are threatened, and he quickly finds it necessary to enlist help from old British friends as well as new American friends. A key recruit is beautiful TV Producer Juliana Weston, whom he meets on his first flight across the Atlantic.
He travels backwards and forwards across the Atlantic as his efforts to fight the planned coup escalate. In a dra- matic ending he flees to rural Tuscany with all of the computer files without which the coup cannot be launched.