Unicorns and How to Hunt Them : Alice Hunter


Unicorns and How to Hunt Them : Alice Hunter

Unicorns and How to Hunt Them : Alice HunterUnicorns and How to Hunt Them – Your guide on how to score threesomes like a pro

This book will tell you everything you need to know about how to up your game and capture the elusive spare F for fun, frolics and drama-free living. We aren’t talking about pick-up artist theory or relationship advice. This guide is for one thing only: making you a premiere hunter for ‘MFF’ – the fantasy threesome with two women.

Whether you are a couple or a single man or woman, your strategy is what will make or break your success rate. It’s not about your looks, your age, your income, your ability or lack thereof in the vanilla dating world.

This is a different game altogether.

Written from the unicornhunting.blog series, it examines issues around the swing scene and fabled MFF threesome. As it is such a popular goal, and often approached by the inexperienced without success, this book helps you up your game with a strong social skill set and a few sneaky moves. Moreover, it is written for the single women, who deserve to be both picked up and treated with a lot more respect than they receive. It is compiled with interviews and quotes of experienced unicorn hunters and unicorns, who have kindly shared their stories and advice.

Designed to take you from clueless duckling to licentious libertine in an afternoon’s reading.

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