The Stone Messiah Vol I : Anonymous IV
If you lived in a world…
where your civilisation could be annihilated; every person you held dear murdered, mutilated or sold into slavery; in unremitting danger and unendurable oppression –
YOU would need a messiah…
Africa 2000 BC
An unimaginably cruel and dangerous world,
Genocidal war between two civilisations…
Circa 2300 BC – seafarers of Sumerian origin settle south of the Rovuma in East Africa, establishing the Uran civilisation, which grows and flourishes for 300 years, centred on a walled city in Mozambique.
2070 BC, a huge maritime expedition from Egypt reaches Tanzania and establish a capital south of the Rufiji river. Seventy years later, these empire builders destroy the Uran capital Avara. A child is found in the ashes.
At twenty, that child unites the most gifted men of his generation, against those who brought their civilisation to the brink of annihilation.
This is the story of the Uran’s astonishing war against the Andracians.
Life, Death and War.
Comradeship, Strategy, Leadership.
Triumph and Deliverance.
Beautifully written. Terse, lucid and vivid, with fast-moving visceral action. Uncompromising, unique and realistic.
“They murdered Jeram, my father; but from the ashes of this betrayal, a child has grown; strong enough to change the course of empires. Someone who will stand in the face of time, pain, disease, exhaustion.
Among a hundred thousand, one shall prevail; at once insane and the sanest of men; a seer to whom there shall be no obstacle; who shall never fall; who understands. Someone who will never lose his sanity, for one mistake would be the end of everything.
It is beginning.”
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