The Last Adventure of Life : Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund
The Last Adventure of Life: Inspiring Approaches to Living and Dying
This is a collection of inspirational stories, poetry, scripture, prayers, and resources.
These pieces come from all walks of life to help the reader acknowledge the unity and interconnectedness of all. It has been aptly called “a book for healing and prayer.”
People who may especially appreciate this book are:
- Individuals who are preparing for the mystical and transformational process of death, and their family members and friends
- Hospice workers and volunteers who deal with death and dying on a regular basis
- Bereaved persons dealing with a death, or with any major transitions in their lives
- Those spiritual seekers who are waking up to the fragility of material things and desiring to tune in to their spiritual nature
- Baby boomers with aging parents who live longer but often are dealing with chronic illnesses that debilitate or handicap them
Because Maria’s work in spiritual and bereavement care with hospice honors the interconnectedness of all things, this book has a universal perspective and appeal.
Anyone interested in the mystical Oneness of All could appreciate it; it is also likely to assist those desiring to go deeper spiritually.
This book includes inspirational stories, poetry, scripture, prayers, and guided meditations. It also has chapters on grief and relaxation/healing tools, and a wealth of reference material. It is a “treasure trove of hope and healing,” reframing the experience of death as a new and exciting chapter in life.
I loved reading around in your book, The Last Adventure of Life. It is so chock-full of resources and prayers and stories. I am reading things out of order and am currently really enjoying the chapter on Trust. Beautifully written.
— Suzanna McCarthy, LICSW
It is skillful advice from a revered hospice worker who speaks from the deep experience of a true heart.
— Stephen & Ondrea Levine
This is the most genuine, information-rich, readable, and hopeful treasury of reflections on living and dying I have had the pleasure of reading, written by a seasoned hospice counselor with the melodic name of Maria Dancing Heart, whom I suspect is actually two parts angel and one part spiritual counselor & hospice worker. Like the author’s moniker, the poetry, stories, prayers, meditations, resources, sample teachings, inspirational readings, and support for the “last adventure of life” in these pages dance with love and compassion—and always re-framing the experience of death to one of transformation. …
If there were a master manual for living, this book would be first on the required reading list.
— Julie Clayton, New Consciousness Review
As a seasoned Hospice Social Worker, I have read countless textbooks, nonfiction books, references and novels about death and the dying experience. When I picked up Maria Dancing Heart’s book, The Last Adventure of Life, I knew I was meant to read it. It felt good in my hands. Her warmth and support radiated off every page. The volume of compiled wisdom and information that this special book contains will support and serve anyone who lives with death and dying.
As a professional the book sensitized me. As a human being it expanded my faith and offered me comfort. I said to myself “Wouldn’t it be great to meet this author!” Little did I know, when I was a Guest Speaker at a local seminar some time later, the author would be in the audience! She came up to me afterwards and introduced herself. She was just as compassionate, wise and wonderful as the book led me to believe she was. I don’t know if this is a testimonial for her book or for her, but either way she makes life – and the last adventure of it – better. It is a privilege to know Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund and to have read her book. — Kate McGahan, MSW
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