A Whisper of Springtime : Tedi Tuttle Wixom

A Whisper of Springtime

A Whisper of Springtime : Tedi Tuttle Wixom

A Whisper of Springtime : Tedi Tuttle Wixom

A Whisper of Springtime: Jason’s Heart Transplant Miracle

How would you react if your baby lapsed into a seizure and stopped breathing?

On the verge of death due to an inherited heart disease, a miracle occurs for Jason!

Transported by LifeFlight from Salt Lake City, Utah USA to Southern California, he receives a two-year-old child’s heart during a midnight surgery. This detailed narrative of an infant heart transplant at Loma Linda University Medical Center (LLUMC) will ignite a flame in the very core of your soul.

A Whisper of Springtime leads us through our deepest emotions with courage, hope and faith. This book will help you to find who you are. A MUST for your personal library. – John Harricharn – Atlanta, Georgia. Award winning author of the bestseller When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat.



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