Tales From A Nobody : G.C. Cook

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Tales From A Nobody : G.C. Cook

Tales From A Nobody : G.C. CookTales From A Nobody

What happens when the phone rings in the dead of night and brings every memory flooding back from your awkward youth? That’s the conundrum our very average narrator faces – just like you might someday.

Twenty years ago, before his wife and child, our narrator was nobody – a lot like all of us. He dreamed of love and glory and getting to second base. Now, as he wonders who is on the other line of that late-night call, he recalls the loves lost and the glories just out of reach. With the help of his rat pack of dim-witted friends, he experiences all that middle and high school has to offer (or maybe slightly less).

Author G.C. Cook leans on his experience as a stand-up comedian to craft a funny and poignant chronicle of coming of age experiences, including love, divorced parents, addiction and the creation of the definitive rule book for “Seven Minutes in Heaven.” With a style reminiscent of Dave Barry, David Sedaris and Bill Bryson, G.C. Cook takes you on a ride through adolescence that will take you right back to the roller coaster of emotions of your youth – the good, the bad and definitely the juvenile.

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