Sleepwalk: Live in the dream : Stephen Renwick


Sleepwalk: Live in the dream : Stephen Renwick

Sleepwalk : Stephen RenwickStraddling both sides of the foul-line—over-educated psychologist on one side and hyper-competitive, fear-driven obsessive on the other — Stephen Renwick is an eminently qualified therapist. He will not only guide you on how to screw up your life, but more importantly, he will show you why.

His latest gem—SLEEPWALK™—Live in the Dream—provides a detailed roadmap to multi-faceted personal ruin via clear steps, real-world testimony, hot tips, and inspirational quotes. This tome leaves no stone unturned to leave no life unscathed.

Savage in approach, the author’s mock 9-step program is a punchy, dark, and unrelentingly irreverent parody of the self-help genre. Yet, as hysterical as it is pseudo-smart, the humour is entirely at the writer’s expense. At its heart, this is a confessional. That is what makes this assault so touching. Few could be so honest. Fewer could be so funny whilst being so honest.

Whether you are confronting your own demons and seek some perspective or are simply looking for an opportunity to laugh at the mistakes of another, or both, this book is a smart celebration of irony, wit, insight, and humility that will leave the reader feeling better for the experience.

And you can trust Renwick on this; he’s a psychologist.

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