Earned Value Management For Project Management : Sham Dayal
Earned Value Management For Project Management: Using Microsoft Office Project
Earned Value Management for Project Management Using Microsoft Office Project is the revision to the author’s earlier title, Earned Value Management Using Microsoft Office Project, which currently sells across the world as a good reference book for earned value management. The earlier title was also adopted by PMI for sale through the PMI bookstore. After successfully running the earlier title in print for over four years the author decided to revise his title and include tons of other aspects of project management into this new title.
The original title was focused on schedule and cost management aspects of project management. The author has now revised it with this title and included concepts such as what-if analysis, human resource management and project financials management all with the help of earned value management technique and Microsoft Office Project tool. The author has also addressed the comments that he received for his previous title about the contents of the book. The new concepts presented by the author in this title are unique to this title and cannot be found elsewhere in any other book on the market.
Throughout the book, the author maintains his claim of project managers being able to use the methods and techniques presented in this book for any size project by keeping the methods and techniques simple and easy-to-use for any project manager who is either from a technical or a nontechnical background. Since the title focuses on project financials management, it will very well appease the senior management audience as well. The techniques presented in this book can very well be adopted by an entire organization for all their projects, and they would help the organizations maintain better control over their projects. This title will serve its purpose for both service-oriented organizations and product-oriented organizations. For outsourced projects scenarios, it would benefit both the customer and the vendor organizations.
Salient features • Includes lots of practical examples and illustrations for ease of understanding • Covers all existing versions of Microsoft Office Project • End-to-end project-management handbook, covering scope management, schedule management, cost management, time management, human resource management, financials management, and so forth. • Introduces users to never-before-seen what-if analysis using EVM technique • Project financials management such as gross margins and profitability are introduced.
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