Sex is Love: Rekindling your passion with a Hot Break : Sean Moore
The happiness of a sexual act is one of the most amazing experiences or even the most wonderful experience in life. It is easier to achieve than normally expected.
When mutually giving each other, shedding all the ego, inhibitions, reservations, and every bit of clothing, a man and a woman can come together and go through the most intense feeling.
This book Sex is Love – Rekindling Your Passion with a Hot Break is all about that most intense and wonderful happiness of the sexual act.
Presenting a detailed plan to enjoy the wonderful happiness of sex robustly and elaborately is the purpose of this easy to read book.
The first few chapters of the book are about how good sex create wonders in a man and woman relationship. What are the obstacles blocking couples from enjoying sexual intercourse to its amazing levels? This straightforward, matter of fact approach towards the issues and possibilities of sexual relationship is realistic and sincere.
Then, the book presents an interesting idea for couples to overcome the blocks that hinder the most intense and thrilling experience of all: the enjoyment of sex, wholesomely, and as much as they wish. The idea is for couples, to take a vacation only for enjoying sex. It is an ‘Erotic Vacation’ called ‘Hot Break’; a break from all the negativity of daily life which prevents us to enjoy sex within a loving relationship.
In further chapters, the book puts forward a very detailed plan for couples to celebrate their ‘Hot Break’ through the ‘Amazing ceremony of Lovemaking’ with some ‘Magic Verses’ and other interesting ideas to make sexual intercourse a wonderful experience aiming at building a loving relationship filled and gleeful. The book provides an overall evaluation of gains and misses of the ‘Hot Break’. It gives tips to correct the misses in the future, and concludes with a message of hope that the magic of lust will morph into love!
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