Sarah’s Haiku : Sarah Shepherd
I started writing these poems in May 2016 as a way of distilling issues I often think about. I was seeking clarity of thought in preparation for visits with a therapist. Some poems are memories. Some are issues I struggle with in my life. Some are lessons I need to learn. Some are moments I want to hold dear.
Nonreaders can read and understand the poems because they are simple and very clear. Even rereading is pleasurable, in the same way it’s enjoyable to play a piano piece learned many years ago. The issues are timeless for people of all ages. Hopefully, a reader will be reminded of a similar experience in his or her life. These are topics of the human condition as seen from a lifetime of experiences of joy, sadness, lessons to be learned, and lessons to share. It incorporates mindfulness and meditation and encourages peace of mind, personal growth, and honesty.
The book represents courage to look at reality without pressure for perfection and with hope for being your best and brightest each day.
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