Palace Cat and the Shadow Dog : Robyn Walshe
Palace Cat and the Shadow Dog
Every home needs a pet to look after it. Even if that home is a palace…
Palace Cat is a big cat, with an even bigger job to do.
He lives with his family, who just happen to be the royal family, in a huge palace. His job is to make sure that palace life runs smoothly, that everyone in his family is happy, and most importantly, that no unauthorized mice get into the palace!
Fortunately for Palace Cat, he has the help of his friends when things go wrong, and sometimes he even makes a new one along the way.
Palace Cat leads a very comfortable existence in the Palace. He eats his favourite foods, sleeps in his scruffy basket, and chats to his best friend. However, sometimes things go wrong, and it’s Palace Cat’s job to sort it out, and make sure Palace life gets back to normal.
The first book in the Adventures of Palace Cat series sees Palace Cat having to solve the mystery of a very sad dog, who is also a very important dog, as she is part of the Queen’s pack of Shadow Dogs, sworn to protect the kingdom from bandits outside the city walls…