Never Write a Book. It Will Never Write You Back : Gigi Wolf
From taking and failing online IQ tests, to what happened in history when women took off their bras, or new American pastimes like FOMO and YOLO, yoga pants for the military, living a fuller life with a robot suitcase, why being a hypochondriac is misdiagnosed for every symptom of disease, or how to avoid being mistaken for a zombie and thus dispatched by the non-zombie population, this book uses adages to lead the reader down proverbial homey paths like “Absence Makes the Heart Go Wander,” “Good Things Come to Those Who Take Them,” “To Err is Human, To Forgive is Too Much to Ask,” and “Honesty is the Best Policy, and I’m Uninsured.”
These are adages to live by in today’s Troubled Times.
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