My Journey To Healing : Bev Weirather
My Journey To Healing
My Journey To Healing is the author’s personal, miraculous story of experiencing inoperable cancer, and how she received healing.
The pages of this book are filled with truths from God’s word, that will encourage any person who is experiencing devastation from any type of illness to believe for their healing. Several referenced materials are included in the book for additional understanding of God’s will for a person to be healed.
The book is easy to read and understand. It has simple instructions for the reader to receive exactly what they’re searching for, “total well-being.” God’s grace and love helped the author every step of the way, and He will do the same for anyone that will trust Him. The knowledge of God’s word is abundant in the book, which will build faith in a person’s heart to stand strong and receive their healing instead of giving up when the journey gets tough. Healing is possible as a person believes and speaks according to God’s word.
This book will inspire faith, hope, and healing. This book contains 108 pages and is softback material.