My Animal Alphabet Book : Delores Henriques


My Animal Alphabet Book : Delores Henriques

My Animal Alphabet Book : Delores HenriquesMy philosophy “every child can learn” has given me the strong conviction to support the individual needs of every child every day.

The knowledge that children learn in different ways and implementing effective strategies and creative ways in my classroom, has helped my students grow and succeed in all areas of learning and development.

My Animal Alphabet Book And a Note to Parents Who Want Their Children to Succeed was birthed out of a fundamental need found in my classroom. While some students were excelling others were not. Basically, students who were exposed to Preschool education and learned the Alphabet at school and those who did not go to school but parents helped them at home were doing well.

This book is for both parents and students. It reminds parents that their help is essential to the development of their children. Learning the Alphabet is the beginning of a myriad of things young children must know in order to learn to read.

So much is expected of our Kindergarten children today, yet many start schools and struggle behind their peers because of the lack of Alphabet knowledge. Quoting from page 14 in the book, “Homes are great places for children to read, write and have fun”.

Families are the first teachers of their children and one simple way to help the child excel in Kindergarten is to expose the child to the Alphabet and other learning materials before the child begins school. This exposure builds literacy skills and gives the child a strong foundation before he or she begins school.

My Animal Alphabet Book does not teach the Alphabet in isolation but gives the child the opportunity to learn to read. It supports the needs of the child all year long with information, sight words, vocabulary and reading skills. This Alphabet Book is intentional in preparing the Kindergarten child for the First Grade. The goal is to make learning to read fun for the child.

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