Confessions of a Southern Baby-Boomer : Meg Henderson Wade

Confessions of a Southern Baby-Boomer

Confessions of a Southern Baby-Boomer : Meg Henderson Wade

Confessions of a Southern Baby-Boomer : Meg Henderson Wade

Confessions of a Southern Baby-Boomer

With her Unsinkable Molly Brown, Meg wondered, “Where are all the other white middle-class cocaine addicts who turn themselves into Rehab?” There weren’t any-just court ordered people were there…so that’s why Meg wrote “CONFESSIONS OF A SOUTHERN BABY-BOOMER-How I Survived Crack Cocaine Addiction, the Mafia & Other Totally True Tales”.

She knew that there were other Baby-Boomers who had this secret too and as AA and NA say, “You’re only as sick as your secrets.” So that’s why Meg Speaks today-to tell her story so others know that you can overcome addiction and come out of the dark. By telling her deepest secret, Meg learned they can’t hurt her anymore.



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