Dear Crossing : Marjorie Swift Doering

Dear Crossing

Dear Crossing : Marjorie Swift Doering

Dear Crossing : Marjorie Swift DoeringDear Crossing

A peaceful, lakeside summer home… A gruesome murder… Valerie Davis, wife of prominent Minneapolis businessman, Paul Davis, is dead. Very dead.

Personal demons in tow, Ray Schiller of the Widmer P.D. follows the evidence to the Twin Cities, joining forces with Minneapolis homicide detective Dick Waverly. They discover many are suspect, few are innocent. The widower has good reason to keep his personal life private, and he isn’t the only one—not by a long shot.

“Sweet nothings” become weapons in a war of words as intimates turn on one another. Ambition, love and hate turn the case on its head when consequences turn lethal.

In the midst of the investigation, Ray’s involvement in an unthinkable incident makes him the subject of an Internal Affairs. investigation. With his personal and professional life in the balance, he soon learns the devil is in the details, and the details aren’t what anyone expected.


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