The Cookie Book : Maritza Breitenbach

The Cookie Book

The Cookie Book : Maritza Breitenbach

The Cookie Book : Maritza BreitenbachThe Cookie Book: Celebrating the Art, Power and Mystery of Women’s Sweetest Spot

This international-award winning book is warm- and lighthearted, entertaining and educational, and is designed to inspire women of all ages to embrace their most intimate treasure.

More than 100 non-invasive, classical, playful and sensuous artworks by famous artists reflect the delicate nature of this body part so central to our existence.  This must-have book provides an intimate guide throughout life – from infancy to adolescence, from being a lover to a mother, to menopause and beyond.

It gently weaves its way through a number of areas such as hygiene, puberty, virginity, the G-spot, masturbation, pregnancy, childbirth and the menopause, while offering amusing snippets from ancient times. Suitable  for teens, mothers and grandmothers.

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