Hot Times In Goa : Linda Banana

Hot Times In Goa

Hot Times In Goa : Linda Banana

Hot Times In Goa : Linda BananaTo love too much is to lose everything

Traveller’s tale, psychiatrist’s chair, scorching love story

Lee Habash’s diplomat husband dies, leaving her richer and friskier than expected.

Among coconut palms, she meets Rod, retired London villain, and embarks upon a steamy and stormy love affair, reflected in Goa’s social upheaval.

There are demonstrations against the proposed rail link with Bombay.

Moral watchdogs, the Noble Order of Buffaloes are up in arms about the liberalisation of Goa’s annual carnival.

The Hindu festival of Shivaratri is about to turn nasty.

Against Rod’s wishes, Lee helps her landlord’s daughter become Carnival Queen, with explosive consequences.

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