Life Experiences : Steve Robertson
Life Experiences
For the ones that feel like they do not have a voice and for the ones who keep improving themselves but society still frowns upon, Steve Robertson offers his debut book titled “Life Experiences.”
“Right at this moment, in every part of the world, people are wondering what they can do to get ahead. Some are trying to develop a self-improvement plan to boost their self-esteem, while others are trying to take chances in the form of betting and gambling. But there is also that group that continues to wonder, dream or just wish for some type of inheritance to come their way while living a somewhat laid back life.”
In his book, Robertson shares insights about life and his life experiences. Presented in 12 chapters are personal thoughts and reflections that aim to motivate and inspire the reader. The book is designed to appeal to all people from different walks of life. With it, Robertson hopes to remind them to “keep moving forward no matter how others keep denying you or treat you.”
Watch this man go through a “chain of events” in order to turn. Does he make it?