Treasures On Your Doorstep : Julia Lynam

Treasures On Your Doorstep

Treasures On Your Doorstep : Julia Lynam

Treasures On Your Doorstep : Julia LynamTreasures On Your Doorstep – The other national parks of the USA

They belong to you (if you’re a US citizen) and they’re right there, on your doorstep, offering endless delight.

What are they? 401 national park properties, telling the story of this nation from before time began. If you’ve visited the “biggies” now get the rest of the story! “Treasures On Your Doorstep” opens the way to finding and enjoying all these wonderful places! And it’s a fun book, well written and charmingly illustrated.

Author Julia Lynam says: “In the middle of a life of storytelling and adventure, I found myself donning a ranger hat and beginning my own unexpected journey of discovery of the national park system of the USA. I’ve also been privileged to share in the journeys of the thousands of visitors I’ve connected with during the course of my work in five very different national park units.”
Treasures On your Doorstep is not a place-by-place guidebook; it’s a portal to discovery, adventure, education and participation.

Reader reviews say:

“Julia has a very enjoyable way of writing. She brings interesting facts to life in such a way that you want to get out a map of your state and plan a trip!”

“She doesn’t try to tell you what to do or where to go. She presents opportunities for you to explore.”

“Best national park guide book out there.”

“I thought I knew a lot about the National Parks and was happily surprised to learn about lesser known but wonderful National Parks, Reserves, Lakeshores, Monuments and more.”

The charming illustrations are by artists Melanie Gillman of Denver Colorado and Jessica Valin of South Hero, Vermont
Treasures On Your Doorstep is available through or  Paperback $8.95; e-book $4.99

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