Lakeford Affair : Theora

Lakeford Affair

Lakeford Affair : Theora

Lakeford Affair : TheoraLakeford Affair

Lakeford Affair is the compelling love story of a young woman’s struggle to maintain her perspective in spite of complications and entanglements initiated by an extremely handsome, wealthy family friend.

Lakeford Affair is about friendship, mothers and daughters, and new/old love, as we follow a free spirited, intelligent, and fiercely independent twenty-six year old on her life’s journey to splendor.  We see how her decisions change her life and outlast her battles as she is thrust back into the social limelight, the affluent life style she was born into, the life style she was so uncomfortable with, and finds herself ensnared in a power struggle between the unscrupulous Forsythe family and the handsome, affluent Hamilton Charles.

As our heroine tussles with her conflicts, the reader is witness to the heartbreak of a crippling auto accident, the fervor of a senate seat race, and the splendor of an autumn wedding that completes Lakeford Affair.

** A reviewer wrote: Lakeford Affair is an intriguing, light hearted novel that will literally have you wanting to trade places with some of the characters.  The characters pull you into the story.

Lakeford Affair is sometimes pristine, sometimes razzmatazz: “Tristin’s eyes swept around the huge circular foyer… Clusters of guests arrayed in festive-colored satins, sequins and silks crowded the entrance hall.  Abruptly, a hush fell over the chattering gatherings and they parted as if pushed back by an invisible hand.”

Lakeford Affair is an eBook found online at B&N, Amazon, Kobo, Scribd, eSentral, et al. OR Google: Lakeford Affair by Theora.

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