The Key to LIFE : Jim Phillips
The Key to LIFE, Living In Full Expression
We are all victims of identity theft. However, our identity hasn’t been stolen by someone else; it has been denied by each of us. We live in “Self denial” of who we truly are. Although we know on a deep level who we are, we deny the experience of Self in our daily lives.
This book invites you to take that journey of “Self recovery” into a deep level of knowing and trust. It is from this level of knowing and trust you can live in full expression and experience of Self, your very reason for being here at this time and place.
Cross the threshold into uncertainty by stepping into your magnificence with the joyous expectation of all the goodness life has to offer. Look at life with wide eyes of wonder and curiosity. Expand your awareness to all that is happening around you and within you, and know that it is all happening for you. Be the blessing you desire to see in the world and you will be likewise blessed.
The Key to LIFE, Living In Full Expression, is a must read for anyone who thirsts for richer, fuller, more rewarding life experiences and all of the goodness life has to offer. This thirst can only be quenched by living in full expression and experience of Self.
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