The Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea : Jeanne Gransee Barker

The Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea

The Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea : Jeanne Gransee Barker

The Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea : Jeanne Gransee BarkerThe Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea

Everything Bea had ever known was a lie.

Now she must find the courage to face the truth and save not only herself—but an entire planet.

At almost 15, late-bloomer Bea Parker has just discovered that her aunt, uncle and cousins—the only family she’s ever known — aren’t actually related to her and don’t know anything about her birth parents.

A strange, high-tech device shows up in her room in the middle of the night with a note promising answers about her shadowed past.

The only person she can turn to for help is Calvin, school genius—and total nerd.

This alien technology leads Bea and Calvin on a heart-pounding adventure across lightyears leaving behind Earth, and everything she knows, to meet her destiny.



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